January Dialysis Bulletin Board! Celebrate a New Year

by KNI

Table of Contents

    Celebrate “dynamite” ideas to feel your best!

    We can always celebrate any food and habit that helps patients feel better!  Sorry the picture is from 2015.  I’ve used this board for two years and wanted to share along with my new one for 2017 (coming soon!)

    “Dynamite ideas to feel your best:”

    • Food ideas in the fireworks:
    • Pot Roast (with carrots and onions)
    • Baked pork chops
    • Creamy orzo with veggies
    • Chicken stir-fry
    • Meatloaf


    • “Eat fresh!…fruits and veggies are low in phosphorus!”
    • “Cook at home…fast food is full of salt and phosphorus…”
    • “Stick with water…flavored beverages will make you drink more…”
    • “Take your binders with meals and snacks.”

    Don’t Forget:

    “These foods are high in phosphorus and will give you brittle ones, a weak heart, and calcified soft tissue: chocolate, pecans, fast food, Coke, Pepsi, Velveeta, Queso, Hawaiian Punch, Cheese, Beans, Bran, Pizza, Bologna.”

    Please comment below or join our RenalRD facebook group to request the file for this board!

    11 thoughts on “January Dialysis Bulletin Board! Celebrate a New Year”

    1. I would love to put this board up in my clinic for the new year! Could you please email me the file? Thanks!

    2. Hi Samantha!  Sending via email.  I’ll be honest, putting up the fireworks is a lot of cutting if you make it look like mine.  I used a billion scraps of paper.  The worst part was stapling to board and then taking down.  BUT, man, it is a beautiful board.

      All the best!


    3. Thanks Kristin! I love this board! I sent your way, let me know if you didn’t get it! If you have a minute, I’d love if you’d pop over the KidneyGrub on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and send me a like or follow:)

    4. Do you have a PDF file for something with Christmas and/or New Year? We have so many deadlines! Im a bit overwhelmed. thanks

    5. Pingback: Rockin' Resolutions January Dialysis Bulletin Board - Kidney RD

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