Foods to Avoid After a Kidney Transplant Handout

by KNI

Table of Contents

    Transplants are exciting, right? Yes! 

    But with a transplant comes some new considerations that dietitians need to be aware of to help with the success of the transplant. 

    This is a great resource that provides dietitians with guidance on foods to avoid post transplant due to new medications or to reduce the risk of foodborne illness which might occur as a result of a suppressed immune system.  There are also foods that should be avoided right after transplant, but are likely acceptable after the first 3 months.

    It should be noted that every transplant center might have their own recommendations for foods and supplements to avoid- so you will want to contact the transplant RD to clarify, however this handout will provide a good foundation and a springboard for additional questions you may need to ask.  This handout can also be provided to patients, who can then also discuss it with their transplant dietitian, who can provide additional clarity.

    Get access to this handout and many others by becoming a member of the KidneyRD library here!

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