Cool Zone Summer Mini Bulletin Board for Renal Diet

by KNI

Table of Contents
    dialysis unit bulletin board on fluid control and staying cool

    Summer MINI Dialysis Bulletin Board

    This mini bulletin board for a dialysis unit works great above the scale, on the window of the front office, or in smaller bulletin board places. It includes seven practical ideas to keep cool during the summer and limit fluid intake. Also includes pictures for each idea!

    What’s on this board:

    • Stay cool and kick those extra fluids to the curb!
    • Staying cool during the summer can help your thirst
    • Loose fitting and cotton clothing can help you stay cool 
    • Choose super cool foods to drink less (frozen peas, arctic zero ice-cream, frozen grapes, frozen berries)
    • Wear a hat (portable shade!) 
    • Mist fans help you keep cool
    • A/C out or too expensive? – spend time at the library or mall for free!

    Other ideas if you want to expand the board:

    • Take a dip in the pool or lake (unless you have a catheter then you need to avoid this!). (Picture idea: swimming!)
    • Get a damp cooling rag or evaporative pack to keep around your neck (Picture idea: Cool rag around neck)
    • Stay away the stove – choose cool meals like salads, sandwiches, or grill instead of turning on the oven. (Picture idea: salad or grill)
    • Freeze a water bottle overnight and sip on it as it thaws during the day (Picture idea: Frozen water bottle)
    • Dodge the heat! The hottest part of the day is from 10 am to 4 pm (Picture idea: Clock or hot sun

    Dialysis Lobby Day Idea

    You could do a dialysis fluid lobby day with this poster and handout plastic ice cubes, popsicle molds, or fans! For extra flare go tropical!  Have your staff all dress up in Hawaiian attire to make the day fun while talking about focusing on fluid. 

    No need to recreate the wheel Save time by downloading this bulletin board from the Renal Education Library or by going to

    Board can be found in the Bulletin Board category of Renal Education Library.

    Have another way to make fluids fun with your patients? Comment below and share with other RDs! Dietitians can also join the RenalRD Facebook Group to connect with other RDs for ideas.

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